ADHD in Adults-A Disease Hard To Detect

What is ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a neurological type disease that is among the most commonly studied and diagnosed disorder in children and adolescents. Despite being so, the cause in majority of cases remains unknown. However, a general perception is that it is the result of interplay between various genetic and environmental factors.


a) Genetics- studies indicate that genetics determine about 75% of cases. Genetic factors are also believed to be involved in determining whether or not ADHD persists into adulthood.

b) Environment- Environmental factors are believed to play a lesser role. Alcohol intake, Exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy can cause problems with central nervous system development and can increase the risk of ADHD.

c) Society- he diagnosis of ADHD can represent family dysfunction or a poor educational system rather than an individual problem. Some cases may be explained by increasing academic expectations, with a diagnosis being a method for parents in some countries to get extra financial and educational support for their child.


In adults, symptoms of ADHD can be quite different and subtle as compared to children-often unique to each individual. However, some broad indications commonly ailing adults suffering from ADHD are:-
Lose of focus:-adults suffering from ADHD have a very short attention span-they are easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds, quickly bounce from one work to another, or just be bored quickly.

zoning out” without realizing it, even in the middle of a conversation

tendency to overlook details, leading to errors or incomplete work

poor listening skills; hard time remembering conversations and following directions

poor organizational skills (home, office, desk, or car is extremely messy and cluttered)

frequently forgetting appointments, constantly losing or misplacing things (keys, wallet, phone, documents, bills)

trouble sitting still; constant fidgeting

hypersensitivity to criticism


Treatment of adult ADHD involves a lot of initiative from the patient. With the help of structured strategies, one can really lead healthy and meaningful lives while managing their disorder successfully. Some steps that would greatly help in keeping the symptomsymptoms are under controlollows:-

Practice better time management :- Set deadlines for everything, Use timers and alarms to stay on track. Take breaks at regular intervals. Avoid piles of paperwork or procrastination by dealing with each item as it comes in. Prioritize time-sensitive tasks and write down every assignment, message, or important thought.

Work on your relationships :- Schedule activities with friends and keep your engagements. Be vigilant in conversation: listen when others are speaking and try not to speak too quickly you. Cultivate relationships with people who are sympathetic and understanding of your struggles with ADHD.

Lead a balanced lifestyle :- Exercise vigorously and regularly—it helps work off excess energy and aggression in a positive way and soothes and calms the body. Eat a wide variety of healthy foods and limit sugary foods in order to even out mood swings. Manage stress, stay productive, and keep on top of your responsibilities. Support yourself by getting between 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

In spite of your best efforts, if the symptoms of ADHD are still proving to be hindrance a hindrance day-to-day functioning, then it is advisable to seek professional help. Adults with ADD/ADHD can benefit from a number of treatments, including behavioral coaching, individual therapy, self-help groups, vocational counseling, educational assistance, and medication.

Doctors today are beginning to understand the problems of ADHD adults and how to proceed with their treatment, safely and effectively. Though ADHD adults have to face numerous challenges in their lives, it is possible for them to take control of their finances, improve performance in work and hone their social skills, by finding ways to stay focused and turn chaos in to calm.

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